Shopify Dispatch: weekly curated newsletter with links and resources for Shopify merchants about Shopify and ecommerce - Page 27

Kurt Elster I ruthlessly unsubscribe from almost all newsletters. Eric’s one of a select few that I look actually forward to opening because it has proven itself consistently valuable for Shopify merchants.

Kurt Elster, Ecommerce Strategist, founder of Ethercycle, and a top Shopify Plus Expert.

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Shopify Dispatch is a weekly curated newsletter with links and resources for Shopify merchants about Shopify and ecommerce.

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Past issues

Shopify Dispatch Issue #201 - SEO text

SEO: That Blob of Text May Not Be Helping Armando Roggio explains how adding a bunch of text in a small font that no one reads could confuse Google and hurt your rankings. That's why I recommend trying to write a story about your product if you get stuck creating...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #200 - Customer acquisition, Prime Day 2019 breaks records

Customer Acquisition: How to (Profitably) Gain New Customers for Your Business Mary-Rose Sutton at Shopify contrasts different customer acquisition strategies. It's best to focus on one or two of them, ideally one that attracts new customers and another strategy that retains them. Amazon Prime Day 2019 Breaks Records; Other Merchants...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #199 - Order reviewing, Moving goal posts

5 'Order Review' Implementations That Make Office Depot Best-in-Class Baymard digs into Office Depot's order review and shows how it compares favorably to other stores. Simple tweaks and changes aren't as sexy as redesigns but they can be just as profitable. Moving The Goal Posts Kevin Hillstrom writes about how...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #198 - Profit, Abandoned cart segmenting

Profit As much as I love metrics, not much beats profit. If you're not using it to help make business decision, you're risking a lot. Why you should segment your emails by cart size Dani Fankhauser describes the strategy behind segmenting abandoned cart emails by cart size. I never considered...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #197 - Creating loyalty, Email mistakes

Can I Can Cause A Customer To Become Loyal? Kevin Hillstrom wrote about the biggest limiter to customer loyalty. 5 big email mistakes eCommerce brands should avoid Ayaz Nanji lists a few of categories of mistakes ecommerce stores make with email. They are useful when you're starting out or changing...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #196 - Unite 2019

Shopify Unite 2019 Shopify's partner and developer conference wrapped up last week with a series of platform announcements. Many of them are months away and just barely released for partners but they can give you an idea of the future direction of Shopify. Highlights from Shopify Unite 2019 and Unite...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #195 - Customer retention, Advanced Google Shopping

Why customer retention is so important for your eCommerce store Samantha Connors shares why customer retention is important along with four campaigns to improve it. Whatever you end up using, you should be focusing on retention about as much as you do on new customer acquisition (with a few exceptions)....

Shopify Dispatch Issue #194 - Out-of-stock and Reciprocity

Why you run out of stock-and strategies to avoid it Luckily I haven't had to run a business that depended on inventory but I've worked with a few and saw firsthand how complex and complicated it can be. Jake Rheude shares his strategies about how to prevent stockouts that combine...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #193 - Google core update, and not much else

Google algorithm update for June Google's rolled out a core algorithm update this week which should send SEOs into a flurry of activity over the next few weeks to figure out what's changed. Other than that, it's been a slow week news-wise. Seems people are getting into summer-mode already. Segment...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #192 - High conversions, Your own Amazon Prime Day

The Bare Essentials for High-converting Ecommerce Sites Pamela Hazelton writes about how to create a high-converting and trusted store. All of these are fundamental tactics and not fads that you'll have to change in 6 months. Amazon Prime Day As Kevin Hillstrom explains, you could create your own Amazon Prime...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.