Shopify Dispatch: weekly curated newsletter with links and resources for Shopify merchants about Shopify and ecommerce - Page 31

Kurt Elster I ruthlessly unsubscribe from almost all newsletters. Eric’s one of a select few that I look actually forward to opening because it has proven itself consistently valuable for Shopify merchants.

Kurt Elster, Ecommerce Strategist, founder of Ethercycle, and a top Shopify Plus Expert.

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Shopify Dispatch is a weekly curated newsletter with links and resources for Shopify merchants about Shopify and ecommerce.

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Past issues

Shopify Dispatch Issue #160 - Marketing campaigns, Holiday marketing survey results

What's New at Shopify: Oct. 12, 2018 Shopify has been gearing up for the holiday season. They've added additional features around creating and tracking marketing campaigns as well as more checkout and buy button options. Holiday Marketing Ecommerce Planning Shopify has released a summary of their holiday marketing survey they...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #158 - Holiday calendar, Technical SEO

Holiday Marketing Calendar 2018: Global Events for Ecommerce, Social & Sales Shopify has created a useful calendar of the holidays in October, November, and December. There are a few fun ideas in here you can use in this years marketing campaigns. Technical SEO: 15 Critical Areas That Impact Performance Jill...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #157 - Location, location, location and Product Badges

Shopify's Newest Feature Helps Retailers Track Inventory Across Multiple Locations Shopify has now launched Locations to help you track your inventory. I've heard from many stores that inventory is one of Shopify's weak areas but this feature should help to shore up that location's featureset... The Ultimate Guide to Product...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #156 - Holiday shopping trends, Product reviews

Holiday Shopping Online: Trends and Statistics 2017-2018 'Tis the season for holiday statistics. Shopify has collected and summarized a few of their holiday statistics from last and this year. Basically make sure your store works on mobile, is fast, and that you send emails. Those three have also been the...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #155 - New App Store, Win-back campaigns

Introducing the New Shopify App Store The new Shopify App Store launched last week with all new categories and improved app pages. The fundamentals of an effective email marketing win-back campaign Unless you're selling subscriptions, it can be difficult to know when you've lost a customer. Win-back campaigns are one...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #154 - Product page optimizations, Holiday strategies

Product Page Tune-Up: 9 Timeless Ways to Increase Conversions Mark Macdonald shares how you can optimize your product page for conversions. Tiny improvements here can have a dramatic impact on your bottom line. Holiday Ecommerce 2018: 15 Marketing Strategies from +$1B in Online Sales It's time to start putting together...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #153 - SEO ranking, Ecommerce automation

What Can I Do to Help My Store Rank in Search Engines? Samantha Renée has created a SEO checklist for Shopify stores to get started with SEO. It's intended as starting point but it can also serve as a reminder for when you haven't reviewed things in awhile. Ecommerce Agency...

Shopify Dispatch Issue #152 - Analyzing Casper's emails, Loyalty programs

What I Learned Analyzing 60 Days of Emails from a Fast-Growing Ecommerce Brand Franco Varriano created a teardown of Casper's email marketing in order to analyze what emails they send and the copywriting used in them. It's a great example of how one successful company is using email marketing. Loyalty...

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