These articles are on the topic of copywriting. The newest articles are at the top.
- Invest in your product copywriting
- Injecting personality into your marketing
- A cold welcome will lose you customers
- Tiny Tip: create three titles for each content
- Give each product a great value proposition
- The core pain your Shopify store solves for customers
- Are you throwing away buyers because of a missed setting?
- The garlic from beyond the solar system
- Spread out your products and use as much space as you need
- Be clear on why customers should come back to your Shopify store
- Which part of the chicken does the nugget come from?
- Lying about fake purchases and traffic
- A simple call to action might be all you need
- Make your Shopify homepage start converting customers
- Keep your Shopify store out of the digital shredder
- Wrong pitch, wrong market, wrong time
- How to spawn titles quickly for content and email marketing
- The copywriting superpower
- Borrow inspiration
- To buy, or not to buy, that is the question